International Programme committee
The role of the conference IPC is as follows:-- To advise on the organisation of the conference;
- To promote the conference and bring it to the attention of other researchers;
- To advise on the topics of the conference;
- To help with the paper review process;
- To assist in monitoring overall quality.
If you would be interested in joining the IPC please contact us.
Name | Affiliation |
Aitouche Abdel  | LAGIS France  |
Prof Meniai Abdeslam-Hassen  | Algeria  |
Dr Nora Cherifa Abid  | Polytech Marseille, France  |
Prof Vivek Agarwal  | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India  |
Limam Aloui  | University of Gafsa, Tunisia  |
Mr Nader Anani  | Manchester Metropolitan University, UK  |
Prof. Naamane Aziz  | Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Information et des Systems, France  |
Prof Naoual Belouaggadia  | Université Hassan II, Casablanca Maroco  |
Prof Frede Blaabjerg  | Aalborg University, Denmark  |
Chihabe Bouden  | Tunisia  |
Prof Saadi Bougoul  | Université de Batna, Algérie  |
Mohamed Boussak  | France  |
Yves Burshell  | France  |
Dr Paul Carey  | Zero Energy Design Ltd, UK  |
Mohamed Chadli  | MIS Amiens  |
Houcine Chaffouk  | IRSEEM, France  |
Prof Christopher Chao  | The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong  |
Prof Derek Clements-Croome  | University of Reading  |
Prof Ian Cooper  | Eclipse Research Consultants, UK  |
Mr John Counsell  | University of Wales Institute Cardiff, UK  |
Prof Mohamed Djemai  | Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut Cambrésis, France  |
Dr. Mahieddine Emziane  | Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi  |
Sc.D.(c) Luis Fajardo-R  | Universidad Michoacana of San Nicolas of Hidalgo, Morelia, Mexico  |
Dr Antonio Fernández-Caballero  | Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain  |
Prof Antonio Gagliano  | University of Catania, Italy  |
Prof Andrew Geens  | University of Glamorgan, UK  |
Prof Stephen Goodhew  | Nottingham Trent University, UK  |
Abdelaziz Hamzaoui  | University of Reims, France  |
Prof. Robert J. Howlett  | KES International / Bournemouth University, UK  |
Dr Kenneth Ip  | University of Brighton, UK  |
Prof Abdelmajid Jemni  | ENIM, Tunisia  |
Prof Hong Jin  | Harbin Institute of Technology, China  |
Maxime Kaiss  | France  |
Prof In-Young Ko  | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea  |
Prof Sumathy Krishnan  | North Dakota State University, Fargo, USA  |
Romain Laffont  | France  |
Prof Soren Linderoth  | Technical University of Denmark, Denmark  |
Dr John Littlewood  | University of Wales Institute Cardiff, UK  |
Dr Eva Maleviti  | Athens Institute of Education and Research, Greece  |
Noureddine Manamani  | University of Reims, France  |
Hassani Messaoud  | ENIM  |
Prof Ahmed Mezhrab  | Université Mohamed Premier, Oujda Maroc  |
Prof Roger Morgan  | Liverpool John Moores University, UK  |
Prof. Nacer Kouider Msirdi  | Laboratoire des Sciences del’Information et des Systčmes, France  |
Dr Veerachary Mummadi  | Dr Veerachary Mummadi  |
Maxime Nicolas  | France  |
Prof Gilles Notton  | Université de Corse, France  |
Frederici Pittaluga  | Italy  |
Bernard Porterie  | France  |
Abdelhamid Rabhi  | MIS Amiens France  |
Prof Ahmed Rachid  | University of Picardie Jules Verne, France  |
Wenceslas Rahajandraibe  | France  |
Prof Dermot Roddy  | Newcastle University, UK  |
Prof Tony Roskilly  | Newcastle University, UK  |
Dr Cesar Sanin  | University of Newcastle, Australia  |
Prof Abdulnaser Sayma  | University of Sussex, UK  |
Prof Enzo Siviero  | University IUAV of Venice, Italy  |
Dr Catalina Spataru  | UCL Energy Institute, UK  |
Dr Jonathan Sprooten  | Laboratory of Electrotechnics and Power Electronics of Lille, France  |
Fernando Tadeo  | University of Valadolid, Spain  |
Lounes Tadrist  | France  |
Dr Hatem Tlijani  | University of Gafsa, Tunisia  |
Mohamed Trabelsi  | Tunisia  |
Dr Simon Tucker  | Centre for Alternative Technology, UK  |
Prof Humberto Varum  | University of Aveiro, Portugal  |
Leo Vincent  | RMEI-France  |
Dr Simon Walters  | University of Brighton, UK  |
Dr Johnny Wong  | Queensland University of Technology, Australia  |
Prof Hongxing Yang  | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong  |
Prof Wim Zeiler  | Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands  |
David Zeitoun  | France  |
Mohcine Zouak  | Morocco  |