Conference Opening
On June 1st, registration (16.00-18.00) and the drinks reception (19.30-20.30) will take place in Polytech Marseille : Domaine Universitaire Saint Jérôme, 13397 Cedex20, Marseilles.
To reach this address the best way is to take the Metro Number 1 direction la Rose, and then take the bus number 3 to Facultés des Sciences et Techniques Saint Jérôme.
On 2nd and 3rd June, the conference will take place in Université de Provence Site Saint Charles : 3 Place Victor Hugo, 13331 Marseille, Cédex 3 -- Amphitheatre CHARVES
It is close to the railway station Saint Charles.
Conference Programme
A draft timetable for the conference is available Programme
The draft programme for the conference is available .. here ..In case of queries about the Programme
please contact Prof Aziz Naamane
Paper Presentation
All paper presentations will be oral.All papers are allowed 20 minutes, made up of 15 minutes presentation time and 5 minutes for questions.
A laptop computer and data-projector will be provided for the use of presenters and we expect the use of powerpoint or a similar presentation aid.
Please note that the list of papers is provided as a guide to the content of the Conference. However, we cannot guarantee that all of these papers will be presented, and there may also be some additions to the list.